
This blog is more like a diary for me. At least that's the goal here. I've been sad that I haven't been keeping a journal or diary since meeting my wonderful husband. I wanted to have something to always look back and see how our life together began. Then there were more and more things happening and I decided that starting up a blog to document everything would be perfect. I tend to be an open book in general, so you'll probably find you're getting way more information than you need. But that's why this is MY blog, right? I get to decide what to write, you get to decide what to read. I hope you find some entertainment, if nothing else, from reading about my journey through life.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Being Pregnant

This whole being pregnant things is so very strange! I'm super excited and I absolutely love that I'm pregnant, don't get me wrong. But (I'm assuming because it's so early) I don't feel pregnant. It's such an odd feeling, walking around, feeling completely normal and being pregnant. It's like I just want to whisper to strangers passing by: "Psssst....I'm pregnant!!!!" And I practically have, truth be told. I know it's against all the when-to-tell opinions of most people, but Ed and I just are too excited to contain ourselves. If something bad were to happen with this pregnancy (and it won't, God willing!), we would just have to be comfortable letting people know, just as we are comfortable letting people know we're having a baby. I'm sure if the losses were to add up, we too would be leery of letting people in our news. But for now, we'll count ourselves lucky and let the world be excited with us!

I'm not going to lie... I'm incredibly nervous and want to protect this pregnancy like you wouldn't believe! I called the fertility center I don't know how many times last week, concerned about this feeling or that feeling. I had regular period cramps last week and it was FREAKING me out! I thought I was off the hook for period type things, but it seems cramps are normal. The nurse on the phone said that as long as they're just regular cramps, and they're not stabbing pains and there's no bleeding then it's totally normal. Apparently, my uterus is already starting to grow and there's also a chance that regular cramps could come every month right around my regular time of the month. Strange, huh? I thought so, too. I'm also experiencing the lovely feeling of being constipated, which apparently comes along with being pregnant. Let's not forget that I'm still taking a giant progesterone shot and 2 estrace pills a day - so I'm still experiencing all those lovely side effects - and it's hard to tell which is a shot side effect and which is a pregnancy symptom. They're quite similar, in fact. The thing that was keeping me from having tummy trouble (better than continuously saying constipation or just as silly?) was eating Raisin Bran. However, now my gums and teeth are so sore that that particular cereal is so painful to eat - and in turn, I'm paying for it. Let's see...what else? Oh. I've picked up a drooling habit and then I read that I've already starting creating extra saliva... Lovely, isn't it? The strangest symptoms come from being pregnant. For now, I'm happy to not be throwing up, but at the same time I wish I'd have some concrete signs of being pregnant. I read that morning sickness and things like that come closer to 6 weeks of being pregnant, and I'm only 5 weeks in. I was feeling so not pregnant last week that on Friday we went out and bought a home pregnancy test just to make sure. It was fun to see the 2 little lines pop right out. I baggied up the test stick, but not sure what to do with it. Is it weird to save something that has my urine on it? Will it go bad? Yuck. But it's proof of our baby. Or babies. That leads me to my next topic...

I'm fairly preoccupied with the idea of having twins. We had 2 embryos implanted and our numbers quadrupled when they were expecting them to double in 2 days. The numbers really are not indicative of multiples, but they could be. I'll be so happy when we hear the heartbeat, for completely obvious reasons - we'll be hearing our baby's heartbeat for the very first time(!), but also because I can lay to rest the idea that we may be having twins. Hmmmm.

There are some people in the blog world that have been having their transfers last week and this week! Yay! I feel great baby vibes all over the blogosphere!!!! Keeping sending baby thoughts our way, as we're not out of the woods yet. Thanks!

Oh - and in case you're wondering what our next steps are: we go for another blood test on Wednesday, just to be sure our numbers are steadily rising, and then we schedule our ultrasound for next week. Whoop! We can (quite possibly) hear our baby's heartbeat NEXT week, people! How crazy is that!?!?!? I can't WAIT! I'll try to keep in touch, and report back as the pregnancy symptoms increase.

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