
This blog is more like a diary for me. At least that's the goal here. I've been sad that I haven't been keeping a journal or diary since meeting my wonderful husband. I wanted to have something to always look back and see how our life together began. Then there were more and more things happening and I decided that starting up a blog to document everything would be perfect. I tend to be an open book in general, so you'll probably find you're getting way more information than you need. But that's why this is MY blog, right? I get to decide what to write, you get to decide what to read. I hope you find some entertainment, if nothing else, from reading about my journey through life.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Prayers are being answered!

The egg retrieval was yesterday... Of the 10 follicles that were spotted on Friday of last week, TEN were eggs! That's just amazing - the number 10 was not even in my mind... I was figuring on half, so 5. We got 10! Yay! Then there's the fertilization that happens through the night, and I expected that to at least cut in half. BUT we got 6! So even if only half make it through the night to be ready for implantation, we still will have 3. That means 1 or 2 can be implanted tomorrow and the 1 or 2 leftover can be frozen for when we are ready for baby #2. That would be such a blessing! So tomorrow is the transfer! I'm really excited.
One big bummer about yesterday and today is that I feel SO much worse than last time. Everything is so different this time around - which actually is a good thing, since I didn't get pregnant last time. I will say that I've been in a lot of pain - I feel like there's a small bag of daggers rolling around in just above my pelvis and every time I move it is excruciating until that bag settles in a comfortable position. And lots of bleeding this time around. Last time I had no bleeding and no pain or discomfort. It makes sense - they're basically poking around your ovaries with a giant needle and sucking the eggs up. I guess since there were so many more eggs this time around, there was more poking - hence the blood and pain. I had some complications yesterday and so I ended up being there for 3 hours, as opposed to the 1 hr last time around. Not complaining, because different is what I'm going for.
Another great and different thing that happened this time around was that we got our own doctor! He wasn't scheduled and so there was some definite talking going on between the doctor that was doing retrievals and transfers yesterday, but that's fine. We got the fantastic Dr. Hardy and he got 10 eggs! I'm confident that he is our key to success, along with other things like following a better diet and lifestyle for fertility. When the nurse called today with the fertilization report, I clarified that we definitely wanted Dr. Hardy for our transfer tomorrow, too. I'm so excited!!! I wonder if he'll transfer 1 or 2 embryos. I really want 2, but that obviously increases the chance of having twins. Kind of scary, but also very exciting. I want 2 embryos transferred because everyone I know that has done IVF has gotten pregnant the 3rd or 4th time when they've had 2 embryos implanted rather than 1. 1 out of those 4 women have had twins. To me, it is just better insurance that ONE will take, with a possibility of twins. I'll let you know after the transfer tomorrow! I'm going to be home for the next few days, being fairly still. Last time I literally laid still for 5 days. This time I'll be less vigilant, but only because being relaxed and not stressed is a much better way for this pregnancy to take. I will also be stopping for an intense acupuncture session on my home from the fertility clinic tomorrow. Statistics go way up with acupuncture. Yay Bill!!! Oooooooook. I'm off to take a nap. I guess the anesthesia must still be wearing off because I had a 5 hour nap yesterday afternoon and still went to bed at 11pm and slept til 10:30 this morning. Yikes! I'm going to have some chicken soup that my mother in-law made me yesterday. She's so sweet! Have a great day and think BABIES!
-Nissa (I'm not proof reading this, so excuse the mistakes)

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