
This blog is more like a diary for me. At least that's the goal here. I've been sad that I haven't been keeping a journal or diary since meeting my wonderful husband. I wanted to have something to always look back and see how our life together began. Then there were more and more things happening and I decided that starting up a blog to document everything would be perfect. I tend to be an open book in general, so you'll probably find you're getting way more information than you need. But that's why this is MY blog, right? I get to decide what to write, you get to decide what to read. I hope you find some entertainment, if nothing else, from reading about my journey through life.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 3, 2010

So very different this time around

So I finally caved in and called the Fertility Center this morning. I'm still experiencing a lot of pain and discomfort (to say the least!) really low in my stomach (uterus/bladder area). I didn't have ANY pain at all last time around. I keep telling myself that different is good, but I'm actually a little worried. I haven't been weighing myself every day (completely spaced that they want to make sure I don't gain 3-4 pounds in a day - apparently that's some really serious complication going on), and I hate when that's my first answer: duh, I forgot. I'm so good about following their exact instructions. Anyway, turns out that the pain is ok, especially since it's getting better each day. I notice that after a night of sleep and lying flat my stomach doesn't hurt when I get up. But as soon as I'm sitting upright for a little while and then try to stand up, I can't stand up straight because of the pulling and pressure way down low. Ugh. It's almost like I did way too many sit-ups, only it's worse than that. Such a hard thing to describe. Can you tell I'm a little nervous? I'm rambling, even on my blog! I'm going to sign off. Hahaha! Here's to everything being OK! Better than OK! Think babies!!!!!!!


  1. How are you feeling? I hope the pain has gone by now.

  2. I just figured out that your blog updates aren't showing up in my feed, so I JUST caught up. Can't wait to hear the latest!

    lots of love...

  3. Alex, glad you're caught up! I missed your blog while you were on vaca!

    Gina, I'm feeling totally fine now. It actually wasn't until Tuesday (8 days after the retrieval) that the pain went away. This 2ww is longggg. I don't really have much to blog about. I decided to keep my "are they pregnancy symptoms or progesterone side effects?" craziness quiet this time. I'm starting to get silly about jinxy behavior. Only a couple more days! Ugh.
